Tiruppur Textile Effluent Management Project, Tiruppur
Client: Tiruppur Textile Dyeing Industries
Implementation Phase
TWIC assisted nine Common Effluent Treatment Plants in development of zero discharge solutions for the bleaching and dying units in Tiruppur. The total effluent treatment capacity of these nine CETPs is 53,000 cum per day, forming the majority of the effluents generated in Tiruppur. The cost of this project was Rs.4200 million.
The scope of work undertaken by TWIC was preparation of detailed project reports, selection of technology and project specification, design engineering, procurement of contractor, arranging finance for the project and implementation supervision. The components of the ZLD CETP are Pipeline for effluent conveyance, Pre-treatment works, Reverse Osmosis plant, Evaporator plant, and Recovered water distribution system.
TWIC has also developed an alternate technology called “Treated Brine Reuse Technology” which substantially reduces the dependence on evaporator. This has been successfully demonstrated at Arulpuram CETP and is now being implement in the remaining TWIC developed CETPs. Application for grant of patent rights for this technology has been filed with the patent office and the same is under process.
O&M phase
O&M services for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) based Seven Common Effluent treatment plants with capacities ranging from 3 MLD to 11 MLD in Tiruppur textile cluster. The effluent from various industries collected, metered, and conveyed to the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for treatment and recovered water distributed back to the industries for processing. These CETPs are equipped with Pre-treatment system (Biological Oxidation system based on Activated Sludge Process), Reverse Osmosis system and Mechanical Evaporator for RO reject handling.
TWIC has well qualified and experienced team of Managers, Engineers, Chemists, Operators and Technicians who man the CETPs round the clock.
Process Scheme:
Global Water Intelligence Award 2014:
TWIC‘s Tiruppur CETP ZLD project recognised by the prestigious Global Water Awards 2014 by Global Water Intelligence (GWI) as “Highly Commended” under the Industrial Water Project of the year category and has also called it as a “phoenix rising from the ashes of an environmental catastrophe”.
2014 Water Reuse Industrial Project of the Year:
Tiruppur ZLD Project was chosen as Water Reuse Industrial Project for the year 2014 by the Water Reuse Association, USA. The Water Reuse Project of the year award recognizes projects whose significance and contributions to the community continue to advance the water reuse industry. Tiruppur ZLD Project has demonstrated continued dedication to the water reuse community.
2030 WRG Corporate Water Stewardship Award:
The 2030 WRG Corporate water Stewardship award for the year 2015 was awarded to TWIC at Athens by GWI, UK