Urban water supply, Industrial water and Sewerage projects
Waghala Municipal Corporation is an important religious center in Maharashtra State This project work includes Study of existing infrastructure facilities, preparation of project proposals, preparation of DPR, getting approval of CPHEEO for the DPR, preparation of tender document, assisting corporation in bidding process to identify contractors, and construction supervision pertaining to water supply and sewerage components. TWIC took up this challenging project to complete the assignment in 20 months to facilitate the Municipal Corporation for meeting the infrastructure requirements of a multi million tourist population expected for a Sikh festival which occurs once in 12 years.
- Salient Features
- Unique aspects / Details of the Project
- Beneficiaries of the Project
- Impact of the Project
- Agencies/Institutions involved in implementation of the project
Salient Features
- Project Populations for the Years 2023 – 10.17 Lakhs
- Project Populations for the Years 2038 – 18.42 Lakhs
- Total Project Cost – Rs. 3500 Millions
Unique Aspects / Details of the Project
Water Supply System
- Transmission system: 36. Km Steel and Ductile Iron for diameters varying 600mm to 900mm
- 18 No. Reinforced Concrete Cement Service storages: 1.0 MI to 2.50 MI capacity
- Water treatment Plant 2 Nos. capacity 35.0MLD
- Distribution System : Ductile Iron pipe lines – 287 km with diameter range 100mm to 900mm
Sewage Collection System
- Collection system with diameters varying from 200 mm to 1400 mm sizes and length 305 km.(RCC NP4 & NP3 pipes)
- Sewage treatment Plant 87 MLD & 30 MLD (Aerated Lagoons and Extended Aeration process respectively)
- Sewage pumping stations – 5 Nos of largest capacity 2244 Cum hr against 37 m head
- Sewage pumping mains with diameters varying from 350 mm to 1000mm sizes and length 10.5 Km
Beneficiaries of the Project
The local population and the multi million pilgrims
Impact of the Project
Assisted Govt. of Maharashtra in providing safe drinking water and efficient sanitation to the local as well as pilgrim population
Agencies/Institutions involved in implementation of the project
- Tata Consulting Engineers
- Shah Technical Consultants
The Scope of the assignment is to prepare DPR for each Municipalities for the improvements of water supply distribution system viz, study the existing system including distribution network, availability of storage capacity, inequity in distribution, inadequacy of storage capacity, staging height of service reservoirs, non-optimal service reservoir locations, defects in the pipes and suggest measures to ensure daily and equitable water supply to the consumers. The scope also includes preparation of bid documents for the suggested improvement works and the Investment plan.
Chennai Desalination Project
Chennai city with a population of 75 Lakhs has water demand of approximately 1500 MLD. Chennai is dependent on rainwater and surface water resources to meet this demand. In order to supplement the available resources, Government of Tamil Nadu in the year 2004 decided to implement a mega water project based on desalination. The capacity of the desalination project was envisaged at 300 MLD along with associated piping of 50km and a power project of 100 MW
TWIC was engaged by Government of Tamil Nadu to carry out the pre-feasibility study of the project. TWIC developed and prepared the report, which addressed the following issues:
- Selection of project sites
- Technology assessment
- Preliminary technical and commercial evaluation.
These reports formed the basis for implementation of the desalination projects in Chennai
Industrial Effluent Treatment & Water Reuse Projects
Tirupur Textile Effluent Management Project, Tirupur
Client: Tirupur Textile Dyeing Industries
TWIC assisted nine Common Effluent Treatment Plants in development of zero discharge solution for the bleaching and dying units in Tirupur. The total effluent treatment capacity of these nine CETPs is 53,000 cum per day, forming the majority of the effluents generated in Tirupur. The cost of this project was INR 4200 millions.
The scope of work undertaken by TWIC was preparation of detailed project reports, selection of technology and project specification, design engineering, procurement of contractor, arranging finance for the project and implementation supervision. The components of the ZLD CETP are Pipeline for effluent conveyance, Pre-treatment works, Reverse Osmosis plant, Evaporator plant, and Recovered water distribution system.
TWIC has also developed an alternate technology called “Treated Brine Reuse Technology” which substantially reduces the dependence on evaporator. This has been successfully demonstrated at Arulpuram CETP and is now being implement in the remaining TWIC developed CETPs.
Implementation of Zero Liquid Effluent Treatment Project for tannery cluster
Client: Ambur Economic Development Organization Limited
Project Management services for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) based 3 Common Effluent treatment plants with capacities ranging from 1 MLD to 4 MLD (combined capacities of 7.2 MLD) in Ambur and Vaniyambadi Tannery cluster. These CETPs have Membrane Bio-Reactor as pre-treatment for RO systems and Evaporator for RO reject management.
The project cost of approx. Rs. 100 Crores was financed through a mixture of Government grant (50%) commercial loans (25%) and industry contribution (75%)
Technical and Commercial Feasibility for Development, Financing, Implementation and Operation of Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Project for paper and Pulp effluent
Client: Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Karur
TWIC had entered in to an agreement for Preparation of Technical and Commercial Feasibility report as a precursor for Development, Financing, Implementation and Operation of Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Project for paper and Pulp effluent. As part of the project TWIC has carried out Design, Implementation and Operation and Maintenance of a Pilot plant.
Currently the 120 m3/d pilot plant has been successfully commissioned and trials are is under progress
Marine Outfall Facility for treated effluent at Barndix Textile Park, Vizag, AP
Client: Brandix India Apparel City
Brandix Apparel City was being developed as a SEZ for attracting textile investment near Visakhapatnam. The project envisages a treatment and disposal system for 45 MLD of textile effluent.
While the treatment system was developed by Brandix, TWIC was mandated to assist in development of a marine disposal system consisting of 6.5 km of on-shore segment and 2.5 km of offshore segment which consists of 560mm OD, PN-6, PE100 Onshore pipeline, 6143m long with additional 3744mm for future operation and offshore part of 560mm OD, PN-8, PE100 pipeline, 250m long along with diffuser system at 20m water depth for the outfall system.
The cost of the project is Rs. 21 Crores. The project has been completed and commissioned.
Operation and Maintenance
Tirupur Textile Common Effluent Treatment Plant at Tirupur
Client: Tirupur Textile Dyeing Industries
O&M services for Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) based nine Common Effluent treatment plants with capacities ranging from 3 MLD to 11 MLD (combined capacities of 53 MLD) in Tirupur textile cluster. The effluent from various industries collected, metered, and conveyed to the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for treatment and recovered water distributed back to the industries for processing. These CETPs are equipped with Pre-treatment system (Biological Oxidation system based on Activated Sludge Process), Reverse Osmosis system and Mechanical Evaporator for RO reject handling.
TWIC has well qualified and experienced team of Managers, Engineers, Chemists, Operators and Technicians who man the CETPs round the clock.